Sport climbing

  • Individual sport

  • Olympic sport

  • Team sport


Benefits for kids

Builds confidence and self-esteem

Develop communication and listening skills

Increases problem solving, planning and decision making abilities

How acquired competencies contributes to violence and exclusion issues

By overcoming their fear and achieving their goal on the climbing wall, kids will have the confidence and belief in themselves to handle problems in other areas of their life.

With rock climbing, the only person you are competing against is yourself as you progress through each grade. However, rock climbing is a team sport which requires great communication and listening skills.

With rock climbing there is more than one way to ‘conquer the mountain’. With many possible routes to choose from, your child will have to decide what is going to be their next best move.

Short description

Sport climbing is a form of rock climbing that relies on permanent anchors fixed to the rock for protection, in which a rope that is attached to the climber is clipped into the anchors to arrest a fall. This is in contrast to traditional climbing where climbers must place removable protection as they climb.

Sport climbing emphasises strength, endurance, gymnastic ability and technique.

With increased accessibility to climbing walls, and gyms, more climbers now enter the sport through indoor climbing than outdoor climbing. The transition from indoor climbing to sport climbing is not difficult because the techniques and equipment used for indoor climbing are nearly sufficient for sport climbing.

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