
  • Olympic sport

  • Team sport

  • Individual sport


Benefits for kids

Helps Improve Social Skills And Confidence

Reduces stress

How acquired competencies contributes to violence and exclusion issues

Joining a Rowing class can help build social skills because children will help each other reach their goals. Children will also feel that they are a crucial part of a team. 

The consistent and rhythmic activity associated with rowing, combined with being outdoors on the water, has an unparalleled impact on reducing stress.

Short description

Rowing is a sport whose origins reach back to Ancient Egyptian times. It involves propelling a boat (racing shell) on water using oars. By pushing against the water with an oar, a force is generated to move the boat. The sport can be either recreational for enjoyment or fitness, or competitive, when athletes race against each other in boats.There are a number of different boat classes in which athletes compete, ranging from an individual shell (called a single scull) to an eight-person shell with a coxswain (called a coxed eight).

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