
  • Olympic sport

  • Individual sport

  • Team sport


Benefits for kids

Teaches self-discipline

Teaches organization

Improves communication skills

Kids become less selfish

How acquired competencies contributes to violence and exclusion issues

Closely tied to teamwork, athletics are a great platform to teach kids to be less selfish. Overall, the psychological and social benefits of athletics can help kids become well-rounded, mature adults.

Short description

Athletics is a collection of sporting events that involve competitive running, jumping, throwing, and walking. The most common types of athletics competitions are track and field, road running, cross country running, and walking race. Professional athletics almost exclusively takes place in one of three types of venue: stadiums, set courses on grass or woodland, and road-based courses. Such venues ensure that events take place in a relatively standardised manner, as well as improving the safety of athletes and enjoyment for spectators. At a more basic level, many forms of athletics demand very little in terms of venue requirements; almost any open space or area of field can provide a suitable venue for basic running, jumping and throwing competitions.

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